The original Veteran Owned Business Certification organization developed by Veterans, for Veterans.



SDV-MPG Provides ongoing support for advancement in Veteran's healthcare.
Profile Status: Claimed
Exempt Organization Type: Charitable Organization
IRS Tax Code Section: 501(c)(3)

Contact Information:
Phone: 866-720-1070
Address: 10908 Courthouse Road, Suite 102-288, Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Organization Standing:
This organization is in good standing as a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization.

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SDV-MPG provides ongoing support for advancement in Veteran’s healthcare. We want to lead the unification of Service-Disabled Veteran and Veteran-Owned medical products businesses to be an advocate for compliance with existing public laws and regulations. Ultimately, our aim is to deliver world class products and services to VA, DoD and other healthcare facilities, while providing for additional business opportunities for Veteran-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned businesses. The Service Disabled Veteran Medical Products Group (SDV-MPG) maintains a clear set of goals aligned with our mission: 1) Partner with VA to ensure accountability with VETS First and other laws and rules in VA procurements to assist veteran and service-disabled-veteran-owned small businesses. 2) Preserve MSPV Supply BPA’s for their intended like. 3) Provide preferences for SDVOSBs equal or greater to preferences provide for HUB Zone and other designated groups. 4) Ensure SDVOSB participation to the maximum extend possible, in all government medical procurements in the future. 4) Eliminate the Non-manufacturer Rule for all medical procurements.
More Information
Exempt Org Type Charitable Organization
Tax Code 501(c)(3)
Date Founded 11/15/2021
Size (Personnel) 1 to 10
Location Virginia
Profile Status Claimed