Move America Forward - Supporting our Troops on the Front Lines

Move America Forward

Providing hope and help to veterans

National Veterans Foundation

National Military Family Association

Together We're Stronger
Exempt Organization Type: Charitable Organization
IRS Tax Code Section: 501(c)(3)

Contact Information:
Phone: 703-931-6632
Address: 2800 Eisenhower Avenue ,Alexandria,VA,22314

Organization Standing:
This organization is in good standing as a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization.

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National Military Family Association is the only national organization that for more than 45 years has represented officer and enlisted families of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Service. We help those seeking resources for: themselves and combat-weary service members returning home from war with fragile mental heath, for optimistic-but-anxious children separated from parents during deployments, for spouses forging ahead with educations to build better lives for their families or to prepare for the unthinkable, for widows seeking information about benefits available to them as they cope with their losses, and for proud parents of single service members. We identify and work with others to resolve emerging military family-related issues. We’ve tailored a special retreat program that is designed to support wounded service members and their families. The Operation Purple Healing Adventures program celebrates rediscovering family-fun and togetherness after an injury. NMFA also helps fund education, career, or business goals for military spouses. The mission of our scholarship program is to help prepare military spouses for meaningful employment and to better contribute to their family’s financial security. Our scholarships are awarded to spouses of members of all Uniformed Services. NMFA awards an average of $500 for career funding and $1000 for degrees. Up to $2500 is available for clinical supervision towards licensure in the mental health profession. Spouses are also eligible for funding, typically $1000, to build their own businesses.
More Information
Exempt Org Type Charitable Organization
Tax Code 501(c)(3)
Date Founded 6/1/1986
Size (Personnel) 11 to 50
Location Virginia
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Profile Status Unclaimed