Veteran-Owned Small Business
Looking to support veteran-owned small businesses and give back to those who have served our country? GoVets Giving is a platform that connects customers with a list of verified nonprofit organizations that support veterans and their families. By choosing a GoVets Giving beneficiary, customers can contribute a portion of their purchase to a veteran-related cause of their choice. Browse through the list of veteran nonprofits and choose a cause that resonates with you. Make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families today with GoVets Giving. |
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GoVets Giving includes hundreds of verified veteran nonprofit causes that need your help now!
It's EASY to help. Here's how:
Join GoVets | Browse Nonprofits | Select your Beneficiary.
Shop on GoVets or Grow your Giving Community by sharing your Giving Code with Friends & Family.
We Give you and your beneficiary GoVets Cash for every purchase made by you or anyone in your Giving Community...Forever.